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Why an LED Mask Has Helped My Skin and My Wellbeing

By newadmin / Published on Sunday, 05 May 2024 16:43 PM / No Comments / 46 views

Woman wearing LED face Mask

When it comes to beauty must-haves, the use of LED masks has slowly been growing in popularity over the last few years. The benefits of using a LED face mask are well documented, from reducing acne to boosting collagen levels. And although LED masks have previously been reserved for the most beauty-engaged amongst us, they’ve now hit the mainstream with google searches increasing by 262 percent. LED Face Masks have over 70 million views on Tiktok. I have to say I am a massive fan, over the years I have dabbled in trialling the best LED masks on the market, as well as going into a salon for professional treatments, but only recently did I introduce an LED face mask as part of my regular evening self-care routine at home and I honestly don’t know what’s taken me so long.

Over the last eight weeks I have used my favourite Current Body LED Mask (£299) as I find it the most comfortable and easy to use, at least five times a week for 10 minutes and I’m quite shocked by the results. My skin quality has improved, my fine lines have softened and I can see cheekbones again — but it has also transformed my self-care rituals.

I have often discussed the benefits of an evening skincare routine and how this benefits your mental wellbeing, but encouraging myself to lay still for 10 minutes each night post-cleanse, and really switching off, has really pushed me to take this time to stop and earmark the end of my day.

Read on to find out why I feel my LED mask has not only helped my skin, but also my overall happiness levels.

What Are the Benefits of an LED Mask?

LED stands for light emitting diode, which basically means when the light is on, electric current can flow through it. Beauty tools use this technology by using different types of light that has been clinically proven to benefit skin. Different lights have different benefits; red light reduces inflammation and boosts collagen so it’s great for anti-aging, whereas blue light therapy is ideal for acne sufferers as it reduces bacteria. Traditionally used in salons and medical settings, the use of at-home devices have increased over the last few years as it’s become accessible in terms of functionality and price point. I love the idea that you can have a professional-level service in the comfort of your own home, whenever it suits you and for a one-off fee it’s exceptionally appealing. It also has given me an element of control over the condition of my skin.

What Are the Pros of Using an LED Mask at Home?

Salon appointments are not only expensive, it can often feel intimidating to attend and expose your skin, especially if you are going through a tough period of breakouts or inflammation. I was chatting to a friend recently who was experiencing an acne flare-up and after I suggested she went to a local salon she turned green and got flustered at the thought of not only stripping off her makeup in front of a stranger, but worrying about going bare-faced afterwards. With an at-home treatment like an LED mask you can reap the benefits without having to see anyone.

How My LED Mask Has Changed My Self-Care Routine

However, for me it goes much deeper. I have added these 10 minutes into my daily routine and it almost signals to my brain that it’s time to relax and reset. After a day of looking at a screen, I often spend my evenings either watching the TV or scrolling on social media. By ensuring I fit my daily mask routine into my day, I put my phone down, or switch off the TV series I’m bingeing, taking a moment to close my eyes and relax. After a few weeks, I started taking this time to either turn on a 10 minute meditation or listen to a podcast I had been meaning to catch up on. Those 10 minutes away from my phone in particular, broke the pattern of constant scrolling and in turn I often don’t want to pick it up again. I didn’t realise that this was exactly what I needed after spending hours mindlessly looking at social media or watching content that wasn’t setting me up for a peaceful night’s sleep.

I have also found that I tend to get ready for bed earlier as I want to ensure I have a makeup free face before applying the mask, which in turn makes me cleanse my skin, brush my teeth (brilliant for stopping me from a late-night snack run too) and meaning my body is able to differentiate between the day and the night. Which is a lot harder when you work from home.

I can’t see myself dropping this habit now and if I am out in the evening and miss my masking slot I tend to wake up the next day and pop it on. I find the light deeply soothing and somehow feel like this glow is my way of rewarding my body and reminding myself I deserve to be looked after too. Oh and my skin. The difference is quite staggering, I hardly need to wear foundation at the moment as it has reduced any patches of redness, minimised areas of sun damage and made my skin feel firmer and more radiant – 100 percent recommend.

Lauren Ezekiel is an associate editor at PS UK, where she writes about all things beauty and wellness. With a degree in journalism and 12 years’ experience as a beauty editor at a leading Sunday supplement, she is obsessed with skincare, hair and makeup, and is often found offering advice to innocent bystanders. Her work has been published in Grazia, OK, Health and Beauty, The Sun, ASDA, Dare and Metro.

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